Date : Wed, 27 Jul 1994 10:04:41 WET DST
From : Bonfield James <jkb@...>
Subject: Assembly and C
Stephen Quan writes:
>James B writes :
>> Is there a document available (preferably online) that describes how to use
>> asm? It always struck me as odd that you can do:
>> _asm add %o1,len,%o1.
>This is SPARC assembly, I was demonstrating the point that it is possible
>to write portable assembly code. The above has no meaning for a PC.
>I think it is add register %o1 with len and store the result back into
>%o1. In general, I guess, you can have
I realise this. I once wrote a _tiny_ bit of sparc assembly to try and code
the smallest hello world binary (ok a shell script is shorter, but that
invokes the shell binary) :
cd /tmp
cat << EOF > /tmp/$$.s
.seg "text"
.global _main
.ascii "Hello World\n"
mov 1,%o0 ! 1st arg of write
sethi %hi(ping),%o1 ! 2nd arg
mov 12,%o2 ! 3rd
mov 0x4, %g1
ta %g0 ! call write
mov 0x1, %g1
ta %g0 ! call exit
as $$.s -o $$.o
ld -s -N -e _main $$.o -o $$out
rm -f $$.o $$.s
echo "program is /tmp/$$out"
This creates a 72 byte executable (of which 32 bytes are header) ;-) (the last
2 bytes aren't needed anyway.)
Anyway, I deviate from the topic at hand...
>> This uses the first of the output registers (%o1) for the addition.
How do we
>> know which register to use!? Isn't that the compilers task and not ours? Is
>> there a standard way of requesting PC to be register %o1? (There is in gcc -
>> just).
>I am afraid, it means taking over control and leaving practically nothing
>in C.
So in other words there is no portable method of combining C and assembly,
even on systems of the same architecture!? I've quite often seen C programs do
a little bit of _asm. The linux kernel for one...
I think you must have missed my point. Consider the linux kernel case. It's
99% C, with a few tiny bits of assembly. How can the assembly make use of
registers without knowing the internal register allocation used by the C
compiler? If we just say 'I will use %o1 as my PC always' then how do you tell
the C compiler not to use %o1 too?
>From your examples, I can see no evidence for combining C and assembly being
preferable to programming in assembly alone.