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Date   : Tue, 26 Jul 1994 09:08:53 WET DST
From   : Bonfield James <jkb@...>
Subject: Re: Erk! I've got stuck again!

>stuck. No sooner than I've started, I've come across an STA &FE30. Oh 
>dear. I knew I was going to have to cope with ROM paging some time. 

Ignore it for the time being if you don't wish to cope with the ROM paging. If
all banks appear to have BASIC in them (ie your paging does nothing) then the
OS will still work fine.

>can't seem to save it using the SRSAVE command which is a bit of a 
>nuisance. Is there another way? I don't want to have to write a program 
>to page it into main memory and save it from there; there isn't an easier 

There's also SRREAD on the masters which copies memory from a sideways ram
bank to 'normal' memory.... I think.
Either that or use (shameless plug) the *RSAVE command of HackROM ;-)


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