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Date   : Mon, 25 Jul 1994 18:13:26 +0100 (BST)
From   : clr1@...
Subject: Getting my beloved ">"

> And the beeps too. I've only got one of them so far - the control G. The
> second I think is the initialisation of the sound chip.

A quick note on the beeps (no, I didn't think it was funny either!) - I 
think I'm going to use the 'ole Adlib card to emulate the BBC sound 
chips. I haven't actually done any Adlib programming but I have looked at 
the documentation a bit and seeing as it is the same sort of thing as the 
BBC sound chip (although more advanced) I don't see why we can't convert 
BBC envelope commands into Adlib ones by simplifying them a bit and 
rounding everything to the right ranges. Any ideas?

I'm heartily relieved to find that I don't have to do much to get BASIC 
running; I might have a quick shot tonight. I presumably have to emulate 
screen memory, though? I am assuming (a bit naive on these bits, I'm 
afraid) that the OS writes to screen memory directly; there was no 
hyper-special custom chip to do text displaying? Actually, that sounds 
like rather a dumb idea and I wish I'd never suggested it. Just ignore me...

| /-- |_| /-- | (~  | "And the driving is like the driving of Jehu,   |
| \-- | | |   | _)  | the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously."    |
+-------------------+-------------------- Second Book of Kings 9 v20 -+

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