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Date   : Mon, 18 Jul 1994 22:31:37 +0100 (BST)
From   : clr1@...
Subject: My associations with Turbo Pascal

> Why don't you use TC if you can get your hands on it? You can get the 
> full-blown BC 4.0 for 30 quid as a student. Mind you, 3.1 is better for DOS 
> development IMHO because it still has the DOS IDE.

basically, I can't really write C at all.

> I don't think you'll get many takers for writing a mixed assembler/Pascal
> emulator, because few people speak Pascal.

Please - I have to stress - Pascal is just (for me) a shell which it is 
convenient to write the emulator under. NONE of the actual 6502 emulation 
is in Pascal; I only use TP to load in programs, and that's about it! I 
could convert the whole thing to assembler-only in a very short time. In 
actual fact, of over 1000 lines of code I would reckon that <20 are in 

> As a final idea, I think you could use a .ASM file (if you aren't already - 
> does Pascal support inline assembler?)  and allocate a segment within this. I
> never have been completely confident about writing this sort of thing, so I
> don't really know how it's done, but I'm sure it's possible.

That's what I'm doing now; I actually have a pascal routine to allocate 
memory (it consists just of an inline INT instruction) and another one to 
free it. Thanks for looking the stuff up though.

| /-- |_| /-- | (~  | "And the driving is like the driving of Jehu,   |
| \-- | | |   | _)  | the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously."    |
+-------------------+-------------------- Second Book of Kings 9 v20 -+

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