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Date   : Mon, 18 Jul 1994 16:43:04 +0100 (BST)
From   : amh15@... (Alan Hart)
Subject: Re: Another little progress update...

> > The Borland C++/Turbo C function farmalloc will allocate more than 64K. 
> Do you know if that would work in Turbo Pascal? That's where I'm 
> allocating the memory from; it's my assembler routine that's using it 
> though.

Sorry, I don't know. I've had a look in our TP manual and I'm none the wiser 
(except that you can allocate 65521 bytes or so). In more recent versions, 
Borland Pascal comes with a DOS extender. This would probably sort you out - 
mind you it might make your life a misery in assembler!

Why don't you use TC if you can get your hands on it? You can get the 
full-blown BC 4.0 for 30 quid as a student. Mind you, 3.1 is better for DOS 
development IMHO because it still has the DOS IDE.

I don't think you'll get many takers for writing a mixed assembler/Pascal
emulator, because few people speak Pascal.

As a final idea, I think you could use a .ASM file (if you aren't already - 
does Pascal support inline assembler?)  and allocate a segment within this. I
never have been completely confident about writing this sort of thing, so I
don't really know how it's done, but I'm sure it's possible.


 Alan Hart  -  amh15@...  -  University of Cambridge, UK

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