Date : Wed, 27 Oct 1993 15:16:39 +0000 (GMT)
From : "I Stephenson" <ian@...>
Subject: ICS Client Software
As I mentioned about a week ago I've been working on a BBC ICS (internet
server) client.
With a few reservations it is complete, and IT WORKS! It doesn't handle flow
control very well, so it occasionaly gets confused (its also a little slow in
displaying receiced text, but I've got a fix for that), but basically its
as good as the NeXT ICS client, with the advantage it runs on nice 8-bit
It needs an AMX mouse ROM to be present, but a mouse is not necessary (though
if you haven't got one I'd recomend using the super art ROM so you can enter
moves with a joystick/cursor keys rather than manually).
If anyone wants to try it out then mail me, and I'll distribute copies.