Date : Thu, 14 Oct 1993 14:49:30 +0100 (BST)
From : "I Stephenson" <ian@...>
Subject: Chess stuff
With all the chess on TV, I decided to dig out my old copy of MicroPower
and give it a go.
My feelings were somewhat mixed when after about four games I started to
it quite regularly! Previously it ALWAYS beat me, so I've obviously got
:-), but it does mean that my BBC isn't much of a challenge :-(.
I remember hearing very good things about "White Knight II" (OK its hardly
state of the art, but I'm really not very good). Does anyone know where
I could
get a copy ;-) ?
In the mean time I've been playing round writing a BBC ICS client! Once I've
drawn the icons I should have a mouse driven chess board, which I can then
interface to ICS/gnuchess or whatever via a serial line to a Unix. If this is
of interest to anyone then I'll pass it on.
P.S. Chris - Are you recieving this, as I can't email you, but the list