Date : Mon, 27 Sep 1993 14:02:39 EDT
From : Bonfield "James./Staden" <jkb@...>
Subject: Re: Hardware projects & Emulators
>I converted the code into objective C. This makes it a little slower
>(potentially - I never noticed it), but makes it much easier to manage.
>a seperate Object to manage the screen, which you can just send vdu codes
>This almost worked, but had some problems of staying in sync. There's also a
>seperate memory object, keyboard, and other bits. I can release this if
I'm certainly interested - more so in a C than Objective C version. (I do not
know Objective C and I'm not sure how well gcc suports it yet either.) It does
sound very similar to the style of system we were going to design. We were
thinking of going the whole hog and trying to get everything to run under it
;-) Ambitious I know!
But first things first, a reasonable system that can support sideways ram
banks etc for developing our ROM would be useful.