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Date   : Fri, 24 Sep 1993 06:44:16 PDT
From   : Stephen_Youell.wgc-e@...
Subject: Hardware projects & Emulators

I have seen a graphics board and a real time clock mentioned in a couple of
bits of mail. What do these actually do? - the clock is fairly obvious but I'd
be interested in the graphics board. I tend not to venture into analogue
electronics myself, if it's on and off (sort of - some of my little projects
have managed to cut out my radio - don't you just love patchboard :-). Does
anyone have any interesting little hardware projects or ideas that have
finished, completed, still a twinkle in the inventors eye?

What I've always wanted to know is what the pinout of those ULA's.  Going off
at a bit of a tangent , has anyone ever tried to write a beeb emulator with any
success. I've seen an attempt at one which was a conversion from an Apple II
emulator which wasn't much cop, what we (James B and myself) would like to do
is to be able to run a beeb emulator under X-Windows, just importing raw 6502
binaries and watch them trundle away - Revs on X-Windows ;-) - dream on I
think. Anyone want to try and emulate the sound chip (never mind the 6845).

	Steve Youell

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