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Date   : Thu, 23 Sep 1993 10:24:34 +0100 (BST)
From   : "I Stephenson" <ian@...>
Subject: Forward

This got sent to bbc-list-request.
(Steve - I've added you to the list, send future stuff to bbc-list)
Still its good to be picking up some new people.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Stephen Youell <syouell@...>
Subject: Beebs and bits
To: bbc-list-request@...
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 17:45:26 +0100 (BST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL20]
Mime-Version: 1.0
	I believe some of you have already met my hacker-in-arms James
Bonfield. Hopefully our four-year-long conquest to get our rom finished is
coming to a close (?). It's beginning to get more organised, there should be a
working (but not quite complete) version out in a couple of months (landed you
in it there James).

As a matter of interest how are other people getting their software onto the
net. I am currently using an RS232 cable between my Beeb and a PC running
linux and then copy off onto a disc and stuff it into a Sun IPX and download
it from there. Kermit is being used for the file transfer between the PC and
the Beeb.

Has anyone seen this new Beeb magazine,erm Byte Back I think its called. I
have been in contact with the Editor and his philiosophy for it is more on the
lines of support for people who have dug up their beeb after a few years or
people who have got them at a car boot sale (sacrilege), new users basically.
I suggested that there are many hardened beeb hackers in the world but it
doesn't seem to have made any impression. Shame really because somewhere to
trade juicy beeb info, (if some of us have anything left to learn - I'm a bit
lacking on the ins and outs of the tube and second processors - anyone got a
32016 second prcessor going cheap?), that would be a valuable resource.
comp.beeb.wizards? :-).

I have got the HDFS by Angus Duggan and the 65C02 Assembler and Kermit by Alan
Phillips and all are impressive so there's some talent out there. To add to
the list, hardware is my game, my beeb looks like it's had surgery with a
soldering iron, 64k Eprom/Ram emulators, 128k ram expansion board (if anyone
has pcb etching facilities I have the artwork for it, it costs about 30 quid
to build) I have a patch board with a rather lame 6502 driving an LCD display
(will be a bike computer eventually). What other knowledge is out there?

If anyone can get me a copy of the Advanced Basic Rom User Guide then give me a
shout. I think it went out of print about 3-4 years ago so Adder Publishing
tell me - and they should know.

	Steve Youell


- syouell.{sbd-e,wgc-e}@...             __-----__    __    

- Stephen_Youell.wgc-e@...           _-/__|__\___\__/ .\   Billy the tortoise
- csujg@...                        _/__|__|__|___|--___/    - 48 years and
- syouell@...                      // ----------- \\           counting

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