Date : Fri, 21 May 1993 09:58:45 +0100 (BST)
From : "I Stephenson" <ian@...>
Subject: Mouse drivers?
Has anyone got any mouse driver software source?
I decided a couple of days ago to write an interupt driven mouse system
(so the
mouse keeps moving on the host, while you just run programs on the
co-processor). It intercepts the screen flyback to update the pointer position,
and intercepts oswrch to hide the pointer prior to any drawing (I then
plan to
add copy and paste functions, a little like the copy key, but faster).
The problem is that I'm currently using the AMX software, which in V.1
only has
a command line interface (*hidepointer etc). This is fine most of the time,
a little impractical during an interupt routine! (it actually works, but the
time delay gradually catches up, and crashes the system after a few seconds).
AMX V.2 does have some entry points (loads in fact - you need a co-processor
load in the suppplied header file!), but I'm not sure thats what I want to use.
Does anyone have a couple of short routines to put a pointer on the screen,
then remove it, restoring the previous contents? Poking the screen is fine
code will always be on the host), and it only needs to handle mode 0. I guess
this is pretty simple, but I never got into sprite handling.