Date : Thu, 18 Mar 1993 13:12:41 GMT
From : "Mik Davis" <davism@...>
Subject: Re: Problems with Small-C on BBC B
>Hi everyone. Last weekend I downloaded the Small-C package for the Beeb
>and tried to get it working. Everything dehexed & decompacted with no
>errors, yet when I tried to compile one of the sample programs it fouled
>The problem *appears* to be with the a65 section - it gives an error and
>aborts compilation. The error is not very meaningful - apparently a few
>arbitrary characters from memory.
>My question is this:
>Has anyone else gotten Small-C to work?
I have it working
>If so, is there any 'secret'?
I dunno, I got a fully de-compacted version from a PD library
>Can you suggest anything for me to try?
I would suggest that you get in touch, send me a disk and I'll copy my
for you but you are rather a long way off :-)
>And I might as well ask, how good is it when you DO get it running?
OK, so long as you don't want floating point numbers or mind having huge
binaries (if you want to produce stand-alone code)
Mik Davis at Aston University. E-Mail davism@...
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time
to reform.
-- Mark Twain