Date : Tue, 16 Mar 1993 13:24:21 +0000 (GMT)
From : "I Stephenson" <ian@...>
Subject: Re: DOSFS now at
I've just checked over the DOSfs stuff, and it looks pretty good (It's
uploaded fine at least). I don't have a 1770, so its not much use to me,
but if you've got a PC, and a 1770 I sugguest you try it.
I've moved Chris's version of the assembler into the 32016 directory.
I haven't tried this either (as my Panos system is decidedly shakey).
However the new kernel sounds very promising. I haven't done much work
on 32016 GCC recently, but it now seems to be compiling properly (from
a NeXT host). It's just the libraries that need debugged.
I don't know if this is of interest ot anyone, but I found a copy of the
text editor TECO written in 6502. It's written for some obscure OS, but
claims to be easy to port. If anyone feels like a go at converting it then
I'll mail them the source - 5000 lines of assember! Whether you think this
is woth it or not obviously depends on whether you like TECO. If it was
VI I'd do it myself.