Date : Sat, 13 Mar 1993 22:17:03 +0300
From : DPetrov@... (Dimitry Petrov)
Subject: Reading/writing DOS disks
(I am recently joined to the bbc-list and haven't yet received
any information about its members)
I have a DOS filing system for BBC B+/Master.
It allows you to read/write standard 360K PC disks.
I had wrote it quite a long time ago with a little hope to sell
it somebody in UK. After several years I understood that it is
practically impossible (or it seems to be so).
Now, if anybody interested I could send you the DOSFS by e-mail.
Also I have some other utilities for Econet, RAM FS (RAM-disk).
I am interested in getting communication programs for BBC/Master
(allowing 8-bit character set and X, Y, Zmodem or Kermit protocols).
Dmitry Petrov
student of Moscow State University
DPetrov@..., (Dimitry Petrov)
Russian ARM Support Group