Date : Wed, 20 Jan 1993 11:52:45 +0000 (GMT)
From : "I Stephenson" <ian@...>
Subject: Forwarded Request
I'm forwarding this from uk.misc - anyone any info?
OK, this is a bit sad perhaps, but I'm looking for
a disassembly (commented, hopefully) of some or all
of the OS ROMS for the BBC Micro. (Specifically
around the buffer areas).
Anything accepted with thanks - email please
john N
john nicoll (jkn@... )
Department of Electronics University of York
Heslington YORK YO1 5DD U.K
Tel +44 (904) 433221 Fax +44 (904) 432335
On a completly different note - I've just aquired two teletext adapters.
One is going home for normal use - we're planning to put the other onto
our network (via BBC+serial line to an old microVax). We should be able
to set it up so anyone can call in and request pages accross the internet
:-) I'll keep you informed.