Date : Tue, 12 Jan 1993 10:51:48 +0000 (GMT)
From : "I Stephenson" <ian@...>
Subject: Real Time Clock (and other stuff)?
Hi y'all!
There hasn't been much traffic on here recently, but there are a few bits
that I thought were worth throwing about.
Does anyone have a design for an Acorn compatable real time clock? I remember
discussing this with Mathew last summer. Could we put together a production
run? (How about it Richard?).
(I'm gona get my hard disc REAL SOON. honest!)
Is anyone interested in using their BBC as a graphics terminal? I've been
developing an objective C based graphics library recently. It currently
runs under X, but I've been keeping in mind that it should be easily addapted
to drive BBC VDU codes?
Has anyone got any good mouse based software? I'd realy love to get hold
of something like AMX framemaker. Also does anyone have a commercial (ie
good quality) C compiler?
Finaly remember that just 'cause the BBC is old, it doesn't mean that
it can't do everything it could when you bought it. I recently wrote a
package to analyse some Scanning Electron Microscope data (for my girlfriend
- it would have taken her MONTHS). The BBC did the job just as quick as
anything else could have.
Ian Stephenson