Date : Fri, 02 Oct 1992 10:20:06 +0100 (BST)
From : I Stephenson <ian@...>
Subject: BBC File transfer
Hi All,
I just received the following enquiry from Chris Robey. I've added him
to the list, and enclose his plea for help. So has anyone got any brilliant
idea on this? I'd also be pretty interested to here them if you have.
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 92 09:02:05 BST
From: Chris Robey <CJR1@...>
Subject: BBC File transfer
To: ian@...
I realise that you may not be the right person to talk to but seeing as I saw
your name written on a BBC archive service I thought that you may be the best
person to ask.
This is my problem/request :-
I have a BBC Micro at home and I want to transfer the files from it (on a
3.25 inch drive, or it may be 3.50 inch, i can never remember, anyway the
standard size) to my SPARC at work (that has the said disk slot built in)
Are there any programs that can read files from a BBC formatted disk ONTO
the SPARC?
This would be a great asset to me as I would then be able to work from home.
If you cant help with this request perhaps you could point me in the direction
of someone that can (may?).
Anyway, thanks for your time and help.
Chris Robey