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Date   : Fri, 19 Jun 1992 10:58:02 BST
From   : RWF Whitehand <R.W.F.Whitehand1@...>
Subject: Morley RAM disc

> Mode 4" screen. Is there anyone else out there with a morley ramdisc who
> might be interesting in seeing this software?
>     Cheers, Julian.


I have an Opus Challenger 3 silicon disk system (well, actually 2 of them -
one gets used to run the BBS) which has two 256K silicon disks operating
like normal DFS disks (you can 'format' them to 100k, 200k or 256k depending
on how any perculiar software likes them). Its also on the 1Mhz bus, although
it also incorporates a complete 1770 and upto 3 extra normal disk drives
(so you can have drives 0-7, 2 of which are the silicon disk drives, you can
config any drive number as another). You don't even need a DFS in your micro,
just a ROM for the unit, so you can have PAGE at E00. I haven't found anything
that doesn't work on it apart from Tube Elite (normal Elite does) and my
Ample Music 5000 system (which is also on the 1Mhz bus - the two can still
be running on the 1Mhz bus when using the Music 5000, but you can't actually
use any of the 'Challenger drives' to load the software).

Apparently you can use ADFS on it if you have a Master (haven't got the
ROM image to do this, so I haven't tried). It seems to be a very useful unit,
and very compatible with life. (although when new, they were 250quid...but
a lot less secondhand now).

Would your software run on this silicon disk do you think?



 Challenger BBS - Fast Viewdata - v23/22/22bis/MNP2-5 - 24hrs - 021 445 3913
 SysOp: Richard Whitehand - R.W.F.Whitehand1@...

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