Date : Fri, 12 Jun 1992 09:27:30 BST
From : RWF Whitehand <R.W.F.Whitehand1@...>
Subject: Re: Screen memory
> >
> > Which reminds me... how many of you out there realised that there
is some
> > hidden memory *after* the screen memory and *before* the ROM
starts, in
> > modes 3, 6 and 7? I haven't seen this in a magazine before, and
I don't
> > believe it is documented as such in the Advanced User Guide.
> >
> > Mode 7 is allocated exactly 1024 bytes for display but needs
only 1000
> > at a time (ie. 40*25 characters), so there are 24 bytes free from
> > &7FE8-&7FFF.
> >
> I thought that mode 7 used those 24 bytes. Didnt Richard (challenger)
> this on Monochrome?
Erm, it won't be used if you use software scrolly, etc. as he suggests
later on in his message...however, I'm not into arcade games in Mode 7 :-)
Its use is a little restricted...esp. as it probably gets cleared after a
CLS (quicker for the OS to clear in sensible junks, I'm sure) and is 'miles'
away from other useful RAM, etc. anyway.
Challenger BBS - Fast Viewdata - v23/22/22bis/MNP2-5 - 24hrs - 021 445 3913
SysOp: Richard Whitehand - R.W.F.Whitehand1@...