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Date   : Tue, 09 Jun 1992 22:31:24 MET DST
From   : Gerben 'P' Vos <gpvos@...>
Subject: CFV: comp.sys.acorn reorganization

[Most of you will have seen this already on the News, but anyway...
Keep in mind that you reply to me, not to the mailing list, and please keep
the keyword "CFV" in the header, to make automatic processing easier for me.
Thank you, and happy voting! -- <>< Gerben.]


Hello, and welcome. Here are our contestants:

1) CREATE comp.sys.acorn.advocacy
   Description: Why my Acorn computer or program is better than yours. Or not.

   Charter: Here you can hold long debates why the ARM610 is better than the
   586, why Translator's user interface is so very bad (or good!), or why
   Acorn should lower their prices. If you hold your wars here, the people who
   want to actually *do* things can get on with their work in the other Acorn

2) CREATE comp.sys.acorn.announce moderated Alan Glover <aglover@...>
   Description: Announcements of interest to Acorn and ARM users. (Moderated)

   Charter: This will be a low-noise group in which announcements about
   (products for) Acorn computers or the ARM can be made, as well as
   additions to public archives, FAQ lists, virus alerts etc.

3) CREATE comp.sys.acorn.tech
   Description: Programming aspects and hardware of Acorn and ARM products.

   Charter: This group is for discussion among people who develop hard- and
   software for or with Acorn computers or ARM chips. Non-technical
   discussions belong in comp.sys.acorn.misc (or comp.sys.acorn, if .misc
   is not created).

4) RENAME comp.sys.acorn TO comp.sys.acorn.misc
   Description: The Acorn computer.

   Charter: This group is for discussion among users of Acorn computers.
   General Q&A belong here, as well as everything that doesn't fall under
   one of the other acorn groups. Lengthy discussions on the merits of one
   computer or piece of software over the other should move to .advocacy .

If you want to vote, please reply to this article (including its body), remove
everything except the ballot below, and replace the X's by Y (Yes), N (No) or
A (Abstain), depending on your choice.

============================ BALLOT ============================ 
   vote-01: [X] Create comp.sys.acorn.advocacy
   vote-02: [X] Create comp.sys.acorn.announce moderated
   vote-03: [X] Create comp.sys.acorn.tech
   vote-04: [X] Rename comp.sys.acorn to comp.sys.acorn.misc

The voting address is gpvos@..., and voting is open from now until Friday
10 July 1992, 23:59:59 GMT. Yes, this is long, but during the last week of the
vote i will be on holiday, so i'll return just in time to count the votes.
You are encouraged to vote before 3 July, so i can ask you for information if
your vote is unclear in some way.

Please keep the keyword "CFV" in the subject header, that makes it easier for
me to separate the votes from the normal mail.

Voters will receive an automagic acknowledgement of their vote (unless my
vote processing script would break down, of course).

Unless i'm in a bad mood, i will also accept votes in a different format (as
long as they are unambiguous and unconditional, i.e. "Yes, if..." type votes
will be treated as comments and not counted).

Voting "AAAA" is the same as not sending any vote, except that you get your
name listed in the list of the results.

If you change your mind, you can send your new vote to me in the same way.
The vote with the last date stamp will count.

A proposal passes if it has 100 more yes than no votes, and there are at least
twice as many yes as no votes for it. The four votes are separate, with the
logical exception that if all of 1..3 fail, 4 (rename to .misc) will not be
executed, even if it passes.

Thank you. May the best newsgroups win! (round of applause, commercial break)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G e r b e n   V o s   <><
Aconet: 8500/104!Gerben Vos  Internet: gpvos@...
Contrary to popular belief, the programmers at Acorn do know what they are
doing.  -- Nicko van Someren

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