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Date   : Thu, 04 Jun 1992 15:24:14 +0100
From   : "Mik Davis" <davism@...>
Subject: User Guides and hardware bits

  I haven't got an Advanced User guide - does anyone know where I could
get one. I asked my local library to try and find one but they gave me a 
copy of "The BBC Micro Advanced Reference Guide" which has a lot of stuff
in but isn't quite as good.
  While I'm on the subject, I have a fantastic book (well I thought so) 
called "Inside the BBC Micro" which contains lists of all the routines and
RAM usage for OS1.2, BASIC 1, BASIC 2, NFS(can't remember the version) and 
some tube stuff oh yes, and HIBASIC. I bought it for about 50p at an all
formats fair last year. It's the same size/shape as the User Guide (and it
is spiral bound in the same way too).
  Also, D.A. Gilbert told me the following about ROM expansion boards:

> there was a circuit in a VERY early (e.g.
> 1st or 2nd series I think) Micro User - just build
> that - it worked for us

  Does anyone have details of this?

|         Michael Davis           |   If you can keep your head when all  |
|    davism@...                   |   around are losing theirs, you're    |
|_________________________________|   probably the executioner            |

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