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Date   : Wed, 03 Jun 1992 01:37:36 +1200
From   : Dave Sainty <terros@...>
Subject: BFM

Gerben 'P' Vos <gpvos@...> wrote:

>No, it hasn't been fixed yet, to my knowledge. I have reported the bug, and
>Bart knows about it, but he doesn't have the time to fix it. It was probably
>hard enough to port Arc to assembler. I could try to obtain the source code
>from him, if anyone wants to try to fix it, but no guarantees...

Was it actually written in assembler? I was disassembling it to try and find
the ARC format (but gave up when I got the ZIP info instead). I'd swear it was

>BTW, that BFM (sp?) program sounds good. What does it do exactly? Does it
>only wrap the files with their addresses, or can it also compress them
>(i don't think that's necessary, you can always compress or arc them
>afterwards)? Can it handle multiple files, or only one?

BFM only stores the files, no compression. I have a text file of the format
here somewhere, and there is a basic program that handles the format on a

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