Date : Mon, 01 Jun 1992 19:03:57 +0100
From : "Mik Davis" <davism@...>
Subject: Re: Comms program
> On Thursday May 28, 1992 aralph@... wrote:
> >>Question for all: is the allocation inside page &300 the same
in all Acorn-
> >>eight-bit machines?
> >In a word, no. Here's the list of differences, taken from the
> >Reference Manual for the Master 128' :
> > Model B & B+ Master 128
> [...]
> Thanks a lot. I do indeed use some of these locations, so i'll
have to add a
> check for the Master. Because of this, the program will be slower
on such a
> machine, since i can't poke into the VDU system directly anymore,
and i'll
> have to fall back on making 128 VDU 23's... Or is there a way to
stuff the
> data into the right location without going through the VDU handler?
> My program runs in sideways RAM, so it may be difficult.
> Do you know how to check if your program is running on a Master?
> call should return a unique value. Do you know what it is on a Master?
> Greetings,
I think the value for a master is 256 but I'm certainly not convinced about
| Michael Davis | If you can keep your head when all |
| davism@... | around are losing theirs, you're |
|_________________________________| probably the executioner |