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Date   : Sat, 30 May 1992 15:39:14 BST
From   : Tom Hughes <thughes@...>
Subject: Re: posting software

In reply to Richard York
>the archiver written by I believe Gerben Vos maintains the load and
>execution adress by building a *exec file which sets the file attributes. I am
>guessing quite a bit here, but I thing it is suported in some way.
>	Since his archiver is pd why not use this?

I have a copy of this, which is basically a cut down version of arc
(actually written by Bart Bruns, together with uuencode and decode.
The only problem is that the archiving part of the software has a bug
in it, so files often fail the CRC when unpacking. Gerben gives a
workaround in the documentation (ading a few bytes to the file before
packing it), but I found that with long files I had to add a lot of
bytes (like several hundered) which is slightly annoying.

This may be fixed by now, I don't know. If it is fixed Gerben, then
please tell me (and where I can get the fix).`


Tom Hughes, CS2

thughes@...            57 Shakleton Road
cstaqdb@...            Earlsdon
(0203) 673584                        CV5 6HT

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