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Date   : Fri, 29 May 1992 12:32:26 GMT
From   : Pat Cain <patrick@...>
Subject: Re: 'Posting' software

I Stephenson <ian@...> wrote:
(> We should have more than enough disc space here (we're about to get
(> 4Gig of extra space, betweeen about 6 people!). Stuff can be ftp'd to
(> shiraz.ohm.york.ac. This assumes everyone has ftp access - I probably
(> won't be able to provide a mail server.

I'll put together a mail server in the near future, just got to write it.

(> As for the format, it would porobably be best if the stuff is tar'd
(> and compressed, as this is pretty much the standard format for ftp

Hmm.. but with quite a bit of Beeb software you need to retain the
load/exec addresses (mainly machine code stuff).  We've use BFM here on
Sideways ..

  BFM is a program several of us wrote so we could upload BBC programs
  to bulletin boards without having to worry about losing load/exec
  addresses or splitting up files.  The archiver/extractor for the BBC
  is written in basic and works on B, B+ and Master and is quite fast.

  We have already written an extractor in C for PCs which compiles okay
  under Unix.

ALSO, most Unix boxes have un/zip installed these days, so perhaps that
would be better for the compression part--that way people could extract
on Unix, PC or the beeb.

Re ftp: I usually ftp direct to PC disc and then chuck the disc into the
M512 and copy files over, or transfer files direct to the BBC via serial
link.  Thus bfm/zip would be a lot better for me.

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