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Date   : Fri, 29 May 1992 07:02:49 +1000
From   : daniel@... (Daniel Bowen)
Subject: Re: What disk drive? (was My set up)

On May 28,  6:02pm, Alan Ralph wrote:
> Daniel Bowen <daniel@...> writes:
> >And here's my question: I want a new disc drive. Do I have to hunt high
> >and low for a 720Kb drive (5.25"), or can I just plug in an IBM 1.2Mb
> >drive, which is easy to find and cheap..?
> Good question... I suspect that you should be able to use a 1.2MB drive,
> once you have a case and/or PSU for it, and the necessary data cable. I
> can't imagine the data connection being too different from a 720K drive.
> If the above is hogswash, could someone say so please?

I've now been told that the recording/reading technique on 1.2Mb drives
differs from that on 720K drives.. I forget the jargon.. MFM or
something. So anyway, no, it can't be done.


Daniel Bowen, Monash University |
            Melbourne Australia |          POPE GETS GRIT IN MOUTH!
   daniel@...                   |
      TCWF: tcwf@...            |                                 [TCWF 78]

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