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Date   : Thu, 28 May 1992 10:35:58 BST
From   : I Stephenson <ian@...>
Subject: Music 500(0) and other ramblings

Seeing as the first flurry of intro's is over I'll throw out a quick  

Has anyone any ideas about how to drive the Music 500(0) without  
using ample. I remember that hybrid used (they were still in business  
12 months ago) to sell a rom which redirected sound commands to the   
synth, rather than to the internal circuit. Has anyone actualy used  

I've got the thing when it was still the 500, and was pretty  
impressed. I did get a pirate copy of the 5000 stuff, and it's VERY  
impressive, but naturaly there was no upgrade path ad no manuals for  
it. I very seriously considered bying a legit copy, as I wanted to  
use midi. Unfortunantly I would have to upgrade to a legit copy  
first, then buy the midi upgrade. Even then it wouldn't take midi  
input data. It was going to cost about 300 pounds, and even then I  
would have to pay extra if I wanted to use a keyboard with it. I  
decided this was a little silly, just for a half working midi  

Despite the above (which may sound a little disillusioned with the  
system) I think it was/is a great box, though without midi its a  
little useless to me now as a way of playing music. It would be nice  
to get it to make the odd noise now and then though. I remember  
examining the code, and found that it used extended (it that the  
right word) paged memory in "jim" to store what I would asume are  
wave tables. Unfirtunatly I never got any further than that, as it  
all got a little complex.

I noticed there were a few people who claimned to have the boxes so  
what do you use them for ?


PS. I've added a few more people to the list - there are now 24.
PPS. Should be getting my 32016 REAL soon :-) comments to follow...

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