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Date   : Wed, 27 May 1992 08:43:39 +1000
From   : daniel@... (Daniel Bowen)
Subject: My set up

Well, just for a kick-off, here's what Beeb bits and pieces I've got:

- BBC Model B (Issue 7), mono monitor
- Watford "Solderless" Sideways ROM/RAM board with 16Kb sideways RAM
- Watford Shadow RAM board (32Kb)
- 80 track disc drive (allegedly double sided, but side 2 won't work..)
- 2400 baud modem
- AMX Mouse
- Watford Video Digitiser

Roms:   (in order of me remembering them)
- Acorn DFS 1.20
- Basic 2
- ISO Pascal
- Beebug C
- View 2.1
- Viewsheet
- Shadow RAM OS
- AMX Pagemaker / Pagemaker Support ROMs
- MegaROM
(Probably one or two others I've forgotten.. hmm.. two at the most!)

And here's my question: I want a new disc drive. Do I have to hunt high
and low for a 720Kb drive (5.25"), or can I just plug in an IBM 1.2Mb
drive, which is easy to find and cheap..?

Daniel Bowen

Daniel Bowen, Monash University |
            Melbourne Australia |           I think fishing
   daniel@...                   |          is a load of carp.
      TCWF: tcwf@...            |                                 [TCWF 80]

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