SSDtoDSD and DSDtoSSD v1.12 - Convert sequential/interleaved disk images ======================================================================== SSDtoDSD converts a sequential disk image to an interleaved disk image. DSDtoSSD conversely converts an interleaved disk image to a sequential disk image. Syntax: SSDtoDSD infile outfile -spt -0 -1 -v Syntax: DSDtoSSD infile outfile -spt -0 -1 -v If the -spt option is given, then the specified number of 256-byte sectors per track is used, otherwise 10 sectors per track is used, such as used by DFS, HADFS, AcornCPM and TorchCPN disks. If the -0 or -1 option is given, then only side 0 or side 1 is converted. If there appears to be less than 80 tracks of data, then only side 0 is converted. If outfile is specified as "" then the infile is overwritten with the converted output. If the -v option is given, then a updating display of the current track being transfered is displayed. Examples: SSDtoDSD Font/ssd Font/dsd Converts the sequential disk image Font/ssd to the interleaved disk image Font/dsd. DSDtoSSD Tools/dsd Tools/ssd -0 Converts side 0 of the interleaved disk image Utils/dsd and outputs it to the sequential disk image Utils/ssd. SSDtoDSD Utils/dsk Utils/adf -spt 16 Converts the sequential disk image Utils/dsk and outputs the interleaved disk image Utils/adf with a track side of 16 sectors, as used by ADFS S/M/L disks. SSDtoDSD and DSDtoSSD will run on any system with BBC BASIC V, such as RISC OS or Windows. Parameters should be presented to the commands in the format native to the system being used, for example on Windows: SSDtoDSD Archives1.ssd Archives1.dsd Definitions ----------- A sequential disk image is one where the data is stored sequentially, as in the file system itself: side 0/track 0, side 0/track 1, side 0/track 2, side 0/track 3... ...side 0/track 79, side 1/track 0, side 1/track 1... An interleaved disk image is one where the data from each side of the physical disk is interleaved in the disk image: side 0/track 0, side 1/track 0, side 0/track 1, side 1/track 1... ...side 0/track 78, side 1/track 78, side 0/track 79, side 1/track 79.