Burke reports on the saviour of an old favourite
With the
demise of the North Weald shows some time ago, Biggin Hill was left as
London's only major airshow and thanks to skyrocketing public liability
insurance rates after the September 11th terrorist attacks in the USA
and a lack of big sponsors, it seemed that this show, too, was doomed.
With no sign of a sponsor, the show was simply no longer economically
however, with only a few months to go, replacement sponsors were found,
notably local paper News Shopper and the Westmead Business Group and arrangements
put in place to minimise the cost of insurance - such as a massive increase
in crowdline security staff. Unfortunately for hard-core enthusiasts,
though, the line-up was pretty similar to previous Biggin shows and some
of the star acts were not able to appear, for various reasons. Saddest
of all, of course, was the loss of Pierre Hollander and the Spirit of
St. Louis replica at the Coventry airshow the weekend before. Also damaged
at that same show had been the Sea Vixen, and while de Havilland had hoped
to get it repaired in time for Biggin, they didn't quite manage it.
left with what some had described as a rather pedestrian line-up, Biggin's
reputation hung on the quality of the display acts this year - and thankfully
they were top notch. RAF participation wasn't bad considering the recent
ending of the war in Iraq, with Tucano, Hawk, Jaguar and Tornado F3 solo
displays as well as, of course, the Red Arrows. The Tucano and Jag were
both superb, with an added bonus being the use of a Jaguar T4 on the Sunday.
The Hawk display seems quite different from last year's, with more emphasis
on grace than the hard precision of the previous routine. Wearing a commemorative
100 years of flight badge on the sides of the fuselage was a nice touch
- but pity it couldn't have been made into a more flamboyant display scheme
- pure
black aircraft are a sod to take good photos of! The Tornado display seemed
to be a bit on the rough side, with two appearances on Saturday (the first
being a practice) and an aborted display on Sunday (reason unknown). Perhaps
the increasingly gusty conditions forced the decision to stop the display
which was a pity as Sunday's display looked rather smoother than those
on Saturday. The wind certainly put paid to the RAF Falcons, who had to
be content with a fast pass inside their Hercules dropship.
military participation has got thinner and thinner over the years at Biggin,
and this year did little to change things with the only foreign displays
being from a French Falcon 10 and a Belgian Alpha Jet. The Alpha was a
sprightly performer but the Falcon 10 limited itself to a few passes up
and down the display line before returning to Earth. The expected Belgian
F-16 was shelved when the Belgian Air Force suddenly required an outrageous
insurance fee with only weeks to go before the show.
civilian participation was a different matter however, with the US-based
Grumman Albatross making another appearance at Biggin (her last in the
UK before the long series of hops to get back home to the USA) and a pair
of old timers from Sweden - a Tummelisa (1919 biplane type) and a Bleriot
replica. These were part of the celebration of 100 years of flight, aided
by a ground-bound scale replica of the Wright Flyer which puttered up
and down a few hundred feet of the crowdline, invisible and unheard
by many. The Swedish pair, flown by Mikael Carlsson, turned out to be
some of stars of the show. Saturday saw an eye-opening performance from
him in the Bleriot, despite a stiff wind, followed by what has to have
been the single most impressive demonstration of a biplane I have ever
seen when he took the Tummelisa up for 10 minutes of the sort of aerobatics
that would embarrass the average Pitts Special. Back on the ground he
was greeted with a well-earned standing ovation from both crowd and jaded
press corps alike - "They're built to take it, this is how you should
fly them" being one modest comment from the 'crazy Swede'. He was
later given the award for best solo display, but also asked to tone it
down a bit for Sunday!
On the warbird
front we were well provided for with the RNHF Swordfish and Firefly (the
latter making one of its first re-appearances on the airshow circuit for
many years), the BBMF trio of Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane (the Spit
being AB910 resplendent in her new desert camouflage scheme), Angie Soper's
Yak-11 (Sunday only), Sally B and the Breitling Fighters (of which more
prop action came courtesy of Air Atlantique, who provided a DC-6, DC-3,
Rapide, Prentice, Pembroke and Twin Pioneer - pretty much their entire
range of aircraft and echoing many of the displays at Coventry the weekend
before - very handy for those who couldn't make it up to that show.
Family friendly
flying from the Utterly Butterly pair (who I grudgingly admit are putting
on a better and better display of aerobatics each year) kept the attention
of the youngsters (and old pervs leering at the girls in lycra) while
an Su-26 aerobatic display impressed some and bored others - once
again, as at Southend, a great demo of how powerful the engine is but
little else - and once you've seen one go at hanging it on the prop, you
don't need to see it again and again. Brian Lecomber in his Extra 300
put on a more varied display which relied on skill as well as horsepower.
Classic jets
were the F-86 and T-33, both from Duxford - the T-33 standing in for the
missing Sea Vixen. Now the Sea Vixen's display has been reigned back to
such a gentle low G affair, the T-33 was a more than adequate stand-in,
with a routine that exhibits more power and greater volume than the Vixen
can manage these days. The F-86 similarly put on a stonking little display
with its signature black smoke trail making it easy to spot in the distance.
A challenging piece of formation flying was the appearance of the F-86
with the RNHF Firefly, marking the two types' use in the Korean War. Saturday
saw the F-86 sailing past the Firefly but on Sunday pilot Cliff Spink
got it dead right and appeared welded to the Firefly's wing for the entire
pass - lovely.
on to the next surprise star act - a Virgin Airbus A340-600. With Richard
Branson on the ground to talk about how he wants to wrest Concorde away
from the spoilsports at BA intent on retiring her, the A340 provided a
stunning display belying its huge size... and the banner on the rear fuselage
said it all! At one point a tight turn low over the airfield boundary
must have had drivers on the road outside reaching for their mobiles to
dial 999 - very impressive indeed.
But back
to the Breitlings and boy were they good. With the P-40 grounded by paperwork
problems and the P-51 being repainted, two stand-ins had been required
and Historic Flying at Duxford had kindly supplied a pair of Spitfires.
Three Spitfires and a Corsair in a formation team? Fantastic! And so it
proved to be, with Saturday's display a cracking bit of sheer entertainment,
bettered on Sunday with even more roaring about both in formation and
as a tailchase. Sunday even saw them disappear behind trees on the horizon
and pop up one after the other climbing into a loop - just the sort of
stuff that gets your heart pumping extra fast. They certainly deserved
their best team display award.
word on both days was left to Ray Hanna, taking Spitfire MH434 up for
a beautiful display backed brilliantly by an emotional piece of music.
A single Spitfire joyously rolling over Biggin Hill, this most famous
of Battle of Britain airfields, can bring on a shiver to the most stoic
of characters and it was simply the perfect end to a damn good show. The
organisers clearly agreed and gave Ray an award to mark his many years
of contributions to the Biggin Hill show.
While tickets
were expensive for the single person in a car on the day, a car with five
people was better value at less than a tenner a head and the
great majority of tickets were for perhaps the first time at a major UK
airshow bought in advance over the internet (at a significant discount
of course). Sales were handled by the RIAT organisers - in these days
of increasing expenses, pooling resources like this is clearly the way
forward. As to whoever appeased the weather gods and managed to pull two
days of mostly scorching sunshine out of a hat (when both mornings had
been grey and dismal) - well done that man. Get in touch, I know some
show organisers who would appreciate your services!
With thanks
to Jenny Casemore, Nick Smith and the rest of the press team.