weekend - part one
Open Day - Dax, 18 May 2002
Bates reports
Thanks to
some inspired planning (or was it just luck?) the French Army airfield
at Dax, in south-western France, home of the EA.ALAT (Ecole d'Application
de l'ALAT), held an Open Day just prior to the Air Force show at nearby
Cazaux. This was just the excuse, if
one was ever needed, to enjoy a long weekend in the beautiful Aquitaine
region of France. Warm weather, cold beer, fine cuisine, and two airshows
thrown in for good measure. What more could you ask for?
the truth be known, originally your scribe was only really interested
in the show at Cazaux (see separate review). No disrespect to all the
ALAT personnel out there, but I thought a trip to Dax would be no more
than a mildly pleasant interlude prior to Cazaux. It just shows you how
wrong you can be! Not only was the Dax show far more enjoyable than I
dared imagine, but much to my surprise, there was also a superb and fascinating
museum to visit as well. Consequently, my original forecast of perhaps
expending half a roll of film was quickly quashed. Fast dwindling stocks
of film are always a good sign!
The flying
display was fairly low key in comparison to other shows, with the emphasis
primarily focused on various chopper demos, interspersed with a few 'prop
jobs'. However, there was a rich variety of 'goodies' to found in the
static park, enough to ensure that the trip was worthwhile for the average
the greatest interest was generated by the Moroccan Gendarmerie SA330L
Puma. It stood out for two reasons; one its obvious rarity value, and
two, the interior trim. The rear cabin was open for inspection, which
revealed some very fetching, furry, two-tone blue seat covers! This proved
to be a real magnet for many of the younger visitors, making photography
a near impossibility! After finally taking a shot, a quick inspection
of the cockpit was conducted, but I can report that there was no sign
of any furry dice hanging in the front window!
the static contained an expected proliferation of French helicopters,
representing almost every branch of their armed forces. From the Army,
the resident EA.ALAT provided an SA341F Gazelle and AS355UN Fennec, whilst
visiting from 5e RHC at Pau were an SA342M Gazelle and SA330B Puma. There
were two Navy machines in attendance; a Lynx HAS4 from 34F and an AS565MA
Panther from 36F. A Securité Civile presence was provided by
two disparate types. Representing the familiar image of the service was
the ubiquitous Alouette III, whilst an altogether more sleek and racy
image was to be found in the Eurocopter EC-145. This latter machine looked
factory fresh, and when the wind was in the right direction, I could swear
I could still smell the paint! Completing the round up of French armed
services were two examples of the AS350B Ecureuil, one a Gendarmerie machine,
the other from the Douannes Francaises.
for such a small show, there was excellent international participation.
There was a German Army quartet from the HFWS (Heeresflieger Waffenschule)
at Bückeburg, comprising a UH-1D, CH-53G and a pair of Bo105s. The
Dutch also fielded a Bo105, along with a 302 Squadron AH-64D Apache. It
was nice to see the Americans also contributing an Apache, an AH-64A from
1-1st Avn, which was parked alongside a UH-60L Blackhawk from C/158th
There were
further examples of foreign hardware on display from Belgium, Switzerland
and the UK. The British contribution proved to be the largest international
contingent of the show. The Royal Navy was represented by a Lynx HAS3S
from 815 Squadron and a Merlin HM1 from 824 Squadron,
whilst the RAF had elected to send a Puma HC1 from 33 Squadron and a Chinook
HC2 from 7 Squadron. Also, providing a complete change of scene from all
the choppers in attendance, were a pair of 1(F) Squadron Harrier GR7s
and a pair of JEFTS T-67M Fireflies, one of the latter performing during
the flying display. With all the home based Gazelles dotted around the
field, fixed wing aircraft were certainly in the minority, the only other
noteworthy example being an ALAT PC-6B from the Etablissement de Reservé
Generale du Materiel (ERGM) at Montauban.
this small show had much to offer the average enthusiast, both serial
number 'crunchers' and photographers alike. However, if that wasn't enough,
there were further treats in store. Situated on the north-eastern perimeter
of the airfield is the Musée de l'Aviation Lègére
de l'Armée de Terre. Open to the public every afternoon, except
during Sundays and bank holidays, the contents of the museum are a joy
to behold. All the airframes and associated artefacts are under one roof,
the vast majority of which help to illustrate the history and purpose
of the air element of the French Army. The standard of restoration within
the museum is impeccable, every airframe on show is in immaculate condition
and superbly presented. The light levels are also quite good as well,
so keen photographers are well catered for. There are familiar aircraft
on show, such as L-18C Cub, O-1E Bird Dog, Stampe SV-4C and Broussard.
Equally familiar are helicopters such as the Alouette II, Alouette III,
H-19D and HSS-1.
I'm not ashamed to say that there are also a number of weird and wonderful
shapes within the museum, of which I simply did not have a clue as to
their identification. Fortunately, all the airframes are clearly labelled,
so the visit proved to be quite educational! With all the aircraft being
so well presented, previously alien types, such as the NC856 Norvige and
N3400, were captured on film as eagerly as ever.
After taking
in the show at Dax, the visit to the museum rounded off a most enjoyable
afternoon's activities. Even better, during the trip round the museum,
all the spotters out there will be impressed to hear that I've made my
last ALAT SA361! (Yes I know they've only ever had the one, but it sounds