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Andrew Bates reports from the LPG's QRA Day at Bruntingthorpe, 5 May. Additional photography by Graham Haynes. Every year without fail, as April turns to May, a great feeling of contentment and anticipation builds within me. This is all thanks to the thoughts that dominate the mind at this time of year - first, Spring is firmly established and the airshow season is just around the corner; second, the first Monday in May is a Bank Holiday, which means an extra lie-in; and third, vertically stacked Rolls Royce Avons in reheat! As ever, that final thought was turned to reality once more, thanks to the efforts of the Lightning Preservation Group (LPG) over at Bruntingthorpe in Leicestershire. It was good
to see the LPG Open Day return to its early May slot, as last year's Spring
outing was unfortunately cancelled during the foot and mouth crisis, with
just the usual September event taking place during 2001. Fittingly, this
year's event was dedicated to the memory of Roland 'Bee' Regular visitors to Bruntingthorpe were able to sample a complete change of scenery, as the event took place at the western end of the airfield, with aircraft performing from left to right for a change. Both Lightnings were serviceable on the day, so both were able to perform their customary high-speed dashes down the runway, and as an added bonus, XR728 completed a second 'sortie' during the afternoon. Consequently, three lucky pilots were able to relive past glories and get some additional stick time in a Lightning, albeit under restricted conditions to previous outings, but probably welcome nonetheless. As far as the other resident jets were concerned, there were just the two on static display; Jet Provost T4 XS217 and Sea Vixen FAW2 XJ494, with the latter periodically demonstrating the wing folding mechanism. It was also possible to check on the progress so far achieved in the restoration of Beech 18 G-BKRN, as Beech Restorations went to the trouble of towing the aircraft over for public scrutiny. The aircraft has been painted in a smart US Navy colour scheme, and it is estimated to be about twelve to eighteen months away from flight status. Now please
excuse the author whilst he cancels his Doctor's appointment next week.
My ears will not need to be syringed after all! |
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