out at Beauvechain
Forces Open Day 31 August/1 September (review for Sat 31st)
checks his ticksheet, or ticks his checksheet - whatever!
After previously
attending Beauvechain for a superb airshow back in September 1999, the
likelihood of a return visit had always been a distinct possibility as
far as your scribe was concerned - thus, expectations were high upon arrival
for the 2002 show. As a consequence of this previous experience, I had
formed a mental checklist of my three main pre-requisites (bad idea,
I know); item one, a good selection of airframes in a well spaced
static park - check. Item two, a thoughtfully planned and well-executed
flying programme - check. Item three, glorious blue skies and wall to
wall sunshine - er, perhaps not!! In complete contrast to the '99 show,
the weather proved to be far from co-operative. Initial signs were good,
with a little sunshine early in the morning, but this was relatively short-lived,
with the grey clouds taking over later in the morning, closely followed
by a prolonged spell of heavy rain from which shelter in one of the display
hangars was the only option.
an early walk round part of the static at least ensured some shots of
dry aeroplanes. First to attract attention was the German Navy Tornado
46+20 from MFG 2, which really stood out from
the three RAF examples parked nearby, thanks to some colourful nose and
tail markings. There was no indication of any particular anniversary attributable
to this special scheme, but the extra effort from the personnel in the
Eggebek paint shop was greatly appreciated. Continuing this theme, no
Belgian show would be complete without a specially marked F-16, so it
was no surprise to see three examples suitably embellished with colourful
tail markings. From this trio, F-16A FA-47 from 1 Squadron would have
been familiar to many enthusiasts, as it was sporting the same tail markings
it wore for the 2001 show at Florennes. The remaining pair comprised of
349 Squadron F-16AM FA-106 celebrating the unit's
60th anniversary, and 31 Squadron F-16AM FA-122 with another variation
of their customary tiger marks, though unusually, the latter example was
tightly jammed behind barriers in a separate part of the static.
would be expected, with Beauvechain being home to the training aircraft
of 1 Wing, there were many examples of AlphaJet and SF260 to be found
around the airfield, along with one of the venerable Magisters. It was
a pleasant change to see conventionally marked example MT-26, as opposed
to the usual airshow attendees in either the red 'Diables Rouges' or blue/white/silver
anniversary schemes. Also, in amongst all the Belgian military hardware,
other relatively rare static participation was to be found in the shape
of Gendarmerie Cessna 182R Skylane G-03 and Luchtkadetten Piper L-21B
Super Cub LB-05. Neither very glamorous when compared to the F-16 or C-130,
but both nevertheless still fulfilling an important rôle.
At the other
end of the spectrum, the static was nicely stocked with a good selection
of frontline jets. These included a German F-4F Phantom and Mig-29G, a
pair of Italian 37º Stormo Starfighters, a pair of Portuguese AlphaJets,
Dutch F-16BM, Spanish EF-18A Hornet, a pair of
RAF 6 Squadron Jaguars, a 52nd FW A-10A, and no
less than four Lakenheath Eagles (two F-15Cs & two F-15Es).
numerically inferior to the number of jets in attendance, there was also
an interesting selection of helicopters to be found within the static
park. Most noteworthy were a Slovakian AF Mi-17,
Italian 15º Stormo HH-3F Pelican, Dutch 301
Squadron AH-64D Apache, and a US Army UH-60A Blackhawk
from A/5-158th Avn.
the rain arrived, it was time to beat a hasty retreat to one of the display
hangars. Within the confines of one of the maintenance hangars there was
much to fascinate the multitude of bedraggled people as they packed themselves
inside to drip-dry. There were quite a number of resident AlphaJets and
SF260s in various stages of service and repair, some of which appeared
to be quite extensive. In fact, some of the stripped down airframes gave
a whole new meaning to the term 'deep maintenance!'
the rain, there was little disruption to the flying programme, just the
nuisance of watching aircraft display against a grey backdrop. Amongst
the jets turning and burning, the highlight had to be the Spanish AF EF-18A
Hornet from Ala 12, which gave an absolutely rip-roaring display of power
and agility. Almost as impressive was the German Mig-29G and Belgian F-16AM,
both assaulting the eardrums in equally dramatic fashion - marvellous!
Other airshow acts grabbing the attentions of the audience comprised of
the French Mirage F1 duo from EC 03.033, French Navy Super Etendard from
11F, German F-4F Phantom and Tornado, Italian AF G222 from the RSV, and
a Slovakian Mi-24V. As would be expected, the crowds were especially keen
to show their appreciation for the aerial artistry of the two national
aerobatic display teams in attendance, Patrouille de France and Patrouille
Suisse, with their AlphaJets and F-5E Tigers. As ever, both teams presented
a flawless performance to delight their audience.
the weather putting a temporary damper on proceedings, this was still
a show worthy of attendance, either from serious enthusiasts or casual
visitors alike. Hopefully, should the opportunity arise again for another
visit to a Beauvechain show, fingers crossed, I am able to tick all three
boxes on my imaginary check sheet.