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Wattisham chronicles, by
Dave Eade
So the Phantoms departed for pastures new, although none were ever to fly again. Most ended their days under the scrapman's axe, but some escaped as 'Battle Damage Repairs' at other airfields and a fortunate few made their way to museums. One, the previously infamous XV474, is still in running condition at Duxford, although now owned by the IWM and tucked away in one of the hangars. At Wattisham, the gate guard languished in a HAS for a while until airlifted away to guard another gate at Neatishead. RAF personnel swept up and packed boxes and in March 1993 the airfield was officially handed over to the British Army. In the previous chapters of this tome, I have indicated that the RAF was always very friendly towards the spotting fraternity. I frequently found that if you asked, you got, if it was possible. Flights in the backseat of an F-4 were rare, it's true, but visits, talks and answers to questions were usually greeted in a positive manner. The Army with its links to Northern Ireland - is a very different kettle of fish.
To further complicate the issue, each Regiment
supports three squadrons of aircraft, and unlike the RAF, the squadrons
fly different types of aircraft within the unit.
Spotting is not easy with AAC aircraft
as serials are difficult to read in the camouflage of the fin boom, and
little squadron insignia is flown. Around the airfield, gaps in the hedges
have all but disappeared, through lack of use rather than any official
dicta, as now spotters give the field a wide berth. That's sad, from all
parties point of view. I well remember talking to a pilot from 56 Squadron,
while on a visit to the base with the Ipswich Aviation Society. He said
that they looked to the spotters as their eyes off Publicity surrounding the units is mainly concerning their overseas deployments, previously to Bosnia and Croatia, as well as support in Northern Ireland. Training for their missions requires a lot of low-level work, which tends to be done at night, and particularly over the redundant USAF base at Woodbridge. A further big difference to the RAF days is that the Army often flies weekends! This, at least, can mean a hour or two on a Saturday afternoon can see a small amount of action. Since the Sea Kings arrived, the trusty old HAR3s have been replaced with the new-build HAR3A, which offers an automated hover system enabling the aircraft to remain over a fixed point, no matter what the conditions. One wag was heard to remark that it would be possible to set the machine in the hover, climb down the rope ladder, return to the mess for a cup of tea then after suitable relaxation climb back on board to resume the flight! Whether this has been tested in anger yet has to be established!
Busier now than its has probably ever been,
Wattisham has a secure future, the arrival of the Westland built Longbow
Apache being eagerly awaited next year which will give the AAC a quantum
leap into the future in terms of firepower and sophistication. Wattisham
looks set to become the focus for all AAC Air Cavalry operations with
most of the operational Apaches being located here, a few will go to Middle
Wallop for training purposes. How long the RAF will remain with the SAR
detachment is unsure as privatisation rumblings are gathering momentum
within the corridors of Whitehall. The HAS farms on each side of the airfield
are kept ready 'just in case', but it will take a national emergency of
critical proportions before Typhoons ever taxi up
to them. But, we can look forward to C-130Js from time to time to ferry
the Air Cavalry off to wherever they may have to train and fight. As this
is being written in February 1999, two At least I have been able to end this review on a positive note. Any reader with comments or corrections is welcome to e-mail us good or bad. If nothing else, though I have enjoyed the trundle through my memories I hope you did too. It has been a privilege and a pleasure, living with an airbase on my doorstep, giving me a life-long hobby and enjoyment. So, we await Apache, but dont get excited spotters serials will be even harder to read on Apaches than Gazelles and Lynxes! Part eight has yet to happen...
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