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Wattisham chronicles, by
Dave Eade
Part One: The Early Years, 1939 to 1950 Thankfully, before I was born, Wattisham as we know it rose from the realisation by the powers-that-were in the thirties that, like it or not, things were going to get worse in Europe before they got better. With horrible similarity to today, those who saw no likelihood of confrontation in the Europe after the Great War had accomplished the unforgivable task of reducing our armed forces to a mere shadow of their former selves. Some may say, with justification, it was almost criminal in the light of the sacrifice paid by our soldiers in the 1914-18 conflict to find this country so ill-equipped for a further conflict that would tear Europe apart.Sense finally prevailed in the mid-thirties and a rapid expansion of our forces began. Factories were put to work to try to bring our separate military commands up-to-date. Rapidly, land was acquired in the east of the country, amongst that being three farms in the village of Wattisham, near Stowmarket in Suffolk. These farms were totally removed in the creation of a light bomber station, equipped with four large C-type hangars and a grass runway.
Throughout the remainder of '39 and for the most of 1940 the two squadrons made attacks by night and day on a variety of targets, including U-boats, one of which was sunk by a plane from 107. Wattisham was subject to a number of raids in this period, with much damage to hangars and buildings and the loss of several airmen. In an effort to protect the airfield Hurricanes of 504 Squadron were detached from Debden for a short while. 107 Squadron moved out in May 1941 to be replaced by 226 Squadron, which in turn was replaced in December by 18 Squadron, still flying the Blenheim. 236 Squadron, equipped with the newer and more capable Beaufighter, arrived in February 1942 to replace 110 Squadron, who were moving on to the Far East. Soon, on 12 June, another piece of Second World War folk-lore was about to be written, the story of the French tricolour being thrown out of a low-flying aircraft while flying over the Arc de Triomphe is well known and the aircraft, T4800 from 236 Squadron and flown by Flt Lt Gatwood, then continued to strafe the Gestapo HQ in Paris before running for the English coast. Like its fellow bases, by being there Wattisham became a target for the Luftwaffe, and was attacked on many occasions. Barrack blocks and two of the hangers received hits. Houses in the nearby village of Battisford still bear the bullet marks of strafing fighters, and Stowmarket itself was also hit. A lone raider, caught by defending fighters or AA guns released his bomb-load off-target, in an attempt to lighten the plane enough to get home. The package of high explosives found as their target the Congregational chapel in the main street of the town, reducing it to a pile of rubble. The miracle of this event was that, when the siren sounded during the normal day, shoppers were known to take shelter in the chapel from the air-raid. On this occasion mercifully nobody was in the chapel. A glance at the bungalows in both Hillside and Poplar Hill, not far from the Combs Ford area of Stowmarket, shows even today new brickwork where two were re-built after being hit by loose bombs falling off their target. Its a thought that today, where we can decide which window a smart bomb should use to gain access, these bombs were at least three miles off-target.
The RAF vacated Wattisham in September
1942 and plans were in place to create a bomber base, complete with concrete
runways, for the USAF. In 1942 the
airfield was handed over to the United States Army Air Force, new runways
and buildings were installed and the bombers awaited. The 12th
AF first arrived on 12 September 1942, the base being given the 1944 dawned and Wattisham became part of
the 8th Air Force. The 479th FG under the 8th AF
command, comprising the 434th, 435th & 436th
FS with P-38Js initially and later P-51Ds, arriving at Wattisham on 15
May 1944. Led by Lt Col H.L. Riddle, they were known as 'Riddle's Raiders'
and the last Fighter Group to join the Mighty Eighth. The sight and sound
of the based Lightnings soon became commonplace and in August 1944 Lt
Col Riddle went missing in action, but evaded capture and made his way
back to the UK to re-take command of the Group in the November as Colonel.
By then they had converted to the Mustang, under the temporary control
of Col Hubert Zemke, who was previously with the 56th FG, but
in the October was also shot down and captured, spending the rest of the
war as a POW. The Group, the last fighter unit to be stood down at the
end of hostilities, left the UK in November 1945 after 351 missions, being
the first to Wattisham was handed back to the RAF in January 1946, one of few permanent stations to be occupied by the Americans. With its extensive hangarage, runways and domestic accommodation the station was selected for peace-time operations by the much reduced air force, and after some refurbishment in the October the first post-war squadron moved in, being 245 Squadron equipped with Meteor F3s; this leads me into the fifties and more personal recollections, commencing with the Meteor - see part two.
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