The Chakras
Muladhara & Swadhisthana


The Chakra positions on the body

As previously explained, the word chakra means 'wheel' in Sanskrit. A chakra, like a wheel or vortex, is an area of increased energy (prana).

As a centre of energy, a chakra can exist anywhere in the body, though we tend to recognise seven main chakras located at various levels up the spine.
Each of these seven reservoirs of energy has its own physical, emotional and spiritual effects. The lower charkas, from the base of the spine to the solar plexus are considered to be more physical than those located from the heart to the crown of the head, which are mainly spiritual. However, the grounding forces of the lower chakras provide the vital steady foundation for balanced spiritual exploration.

'Muladhara Chakra'
(Root Chakra)

Muladhara Chakra

Location: The base of the spine is the home of the first chakra. The related organs are the organs of elimination and excretion — the lungs, skin, kidneys, large intestine and rectum.

Colour of petals: Four red petals

Element: Earth

Sense: Smell

The root chakra governs your connection to the earth and how 'rooted' you feel. It deals with your material and monetary existence. It is concerned with meeting your basic needs.

This chakra determines how stable you feel emotionally and in your physical set-up. It is expressed in your strength and stamina. It allows you to focus, be disciplined, stay healthy and be aware of your limits.

The root chakra must be balanced as a foundation to balancing the other chakras or your progression will be without roots and stability. When the muladhara chakra is
out of balance, it may cause problems of the lower abdominal area such as constipation, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, kidney problems, sciatica and back pain.

This chakra is the driving force behind the energy to work. When it is not in balance, you could become overly attached to your work, leading to a workaholic lifestyle. Another manifestation could be diminished creative power, which will interfere with your ability to enjoy life and prevent you from opening up to feelings of joy and happiness.

When the root chakra is functioning well, the related organs, like the kidneys and bowel will be healthy. Additionally, the adrenal glands, involved in the response to stress, will not be exhausted from chronic over-stimulation. There will be a cheerful, fearless and courageous attitude. A balanced base chakra brings self-confidence, enthusiasm, a strong will to live and a clear sense of identity. Trust in others comes easily.

You will have a good perspective on life and be able to stay in touch with the greater scheme of things. You will be able to detach yourself from over-emphasis on material possessions. There will be a healthy attitude to work. While you will remain focused, you will not be so attached to your work that you ignore other parts of your life. You will approach your work and challenges with enthusiasm and joy.

'Swadhisthana Chakra'
(Sacral Chakra)

Swadhisthana Chakra

Location: The second chakra is located at the lower abdomen, over the spleen. It governs the organs of the lower abdominal area such as those of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Colour of petals: Six orange petals

Element: Water

Sense: Taste

Its location is a clue that the second chakra, known as swadhisthana in sanskrit, is involved with sexuality, relationships and creativity. This is the chakra that governs our nurturing abilities, and our sensation and pleasure focus. It is also highly involved in relationships, and this includes your relationship with yourself.

Change is an inescapable fact of life. Without change, there is no growth, no movement, no life. A well-balanced second chakra allows you to go with the flow and alter your path as necessary.

Those with an unbalanced sacral chakra have difficulty with giving or receiving materially or emotionally.

Feelings of guilt, anxiety, unpredictability and clinging on can be an indication of an imbalance in the second chakra.

The swadhisthana chakra helps with assimilation of knowledge. On the mental level, receiving is linked with the integration of knowledge as the brain takes in and stores information.

A well-balanced second chakra gives a high level of general vitality. The lower abdominal, urinary and reproductive systems will be healthy. If this chakra is balanced, you will be outgoing, patient and have a good sense of humour. You will find it easy to be positive and enjoy life. At the same time, you will have intellectual ideas about the world and how your desires and emotions fit in it. Creative problem-solving and the ability to work creatively with others will come easily. Rather than forming obstacles, the different approaches and attitudes of others enrich your life and allow you to develop and grow.

The seven Chakras

Next Articles:

The third & fourth Chakras:
(Solar Plexus) & 'Anahata' (Heart)


The fifth & sixth Chakras:
Vishuddha' (Throat) & 'Ajna' (Third Eye)


The seventh Chakra:
'Sahasrara' (Crown Centre)

Katy Kianush
October 2005

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Copyright © 2005 K. Kianush, Art Arena